Let’s talk about…time healing wounds.

Wow! Please celebrate with us our 2023 Impact Report (through November).

Even more beautiful than these numbers and stats are the lives they represent - the ones who courageously decided that generational trauma/pain "ends with me," who decided to pursue personal growth and healing, who worked to stop patterns of inflicting or receiving pain, and who worked to become the best version of themselves.

We’ve heard it our whole lives: “Time heals all wounds.” Just give it time and all will be forgotten.

But the truth is, time isn’t what heals wounds. In fact, this thought process is why unhealed wounds (and sin) trickle down through generations.

You might know it as generational trauma or generational curses, but It’s the perfect and even Biblical example of how time, in fact, does not heal.

Because if we do not do the hard work to be present with our wounds and work toward healing what hurt us, we will continue to pass down that hurt, that parenting style, that shame- onto our spouses, our children, and our other important relationships. That is, of course, If we are capable of having significant, intimate, genuine relationships with people other than our spouse and kids.

This is such an important thing to understand. Time doesn’t heal. Doing the hard, internal, long-term work (and a genuine relationship with our Healer God), is what heals.

Now go get started!

Heal so that your kids don’t have to experience the same wound. Now, at Christmastime is the best time to ready your heart for the anticipation of the healing that will come through a life in Jesus.



Taking A Winter


One Million Thank Yous