Raegan Carlson

Intake Coordinator

Raegan is kind and gentle. She has a heart and passion for God’s people, mental health, and racial reconciliation. Raegan worked with Cumberland Counseling as the Marketing Intern helping the team with newsletters and social media, and was an incredible addition to the team. She is now the Intake Coordinator, meaning hers will be the voice you hear at the other end of the phone when you call in with a counseling inquiry, and she will be behind the emails that connect you to your Cumberland Counseling Therapist. Have questions? Let her have ‘em. Her compassionate heart will hold yours as she facilitates your transition into your new counseling home at Cumberland. Reach out any time!

Locations: All

Contact: admin@cumberlandcenters.org, (404) 884-8247

Areas of Focus: Intake Coordination, Marketing, Pastoral Care