Transformation through counseling

Is your church or organization ready to make a huge impact in mental health?

Our mental health is the foundation for how we view everything, ourselves, the world around us, even God.

Cumberland Counseling Center (CCC) provides a unique partnership for churches to offer clinical mental health counseling to their congregations and community. We know that every type of religious organization has some level of influence in the city they serve, and the goal of the CCC is to equip these organizations with the ability to provide equitable mental health services to all, regardless of income. Churches are uniquely positioned to target vulnerable and marginalized populations, and they are often a highly trusted resource in their communities. We capitalize on this by providing a mutually beneficial program that serves both the Church and the surrounding community.  

This model is highly efficient for churches who have been considering hiring a therapist on staff to handle the mental health needs of their community.

Providing a clinical counseling center with trained, licensed professionals from within the walls of your church will create immense impact in your church and surrounding community, sending the message that we care for your life regardless of where you currently are in your faith journey. No longer do we want to only refer outside of the Church for counseling, potentially sending that shaming message that “mess doesn’t belong here.” Church, let’s lead the way in providing best practices for mental health care, bringing people into a deeper relationship with Truth and ultimately leading to true restorative healing.

Let’s get to know each other.

Cumberland Counseling Centers provide clinical mental health counseling as well as education and trainings to community groups, churches, and businesses. As licensed professionals, we are committed to the highest standards of therapeutic practice and adhere to state ethical codes. Our counselors will draw upon their clinical training and formal education to address each unique need. Watch this short video to get a better idea of who we are.

Tell us your story.

Interested in a clinical counseling center inside your church but not sure where to start?


“GateCity Church has had the opportunity to partner with Cumberland Counseling Centers since January of 2021. We were able to place a clinical mental health center at our church to serve not only our congregation, staff and missionaries, but also our surrounding community. Unfortunately, our pastoral staff has not had the capacity to consistently meet the counseling needs of our growing congregation, especially during a time when we're seeing increasing mental health needs. Alexandra Thompson made the implementation process smooth and simple, and we have seen it to be transformational in many ways. We now have access to 6 therapists who are trained and licensed to care for our church family and community, for the financial investment of approximately 1 staff member, and we have heard incredible things about the care they offer. In addition to offering therapy, they provide our pastors and staff with education & training, resources & referrals, and even educational seminars for our larger community. We're so grateful to be partners with the Cumberland Counseling team and to have such an incredible resource available to care for our community!”

— H.S.

Make a donation.

Join our community of those who want to see all people have easier access to quality mental health care, regardless of income. Through this gift of hope, Cumberland Counseling can assist even more people by providing individual, couples, family and group counseling.

Opportunities to heal.

Counseling Services

  • Individual counseling for adults, teens, & adolescents

  • Family counseling

  • Marital & relationship counseling

  • Pre-marital & pre-engagement counseling

  • Supportive/therapeutic groups

  • Workshops & seminars


Groups & Classes

  • Therapeutic Groups: Throughout the year, we offer therapy groups which provide an even deeper sense of connection to others during recovery.

  • Workshops: Our professionals provide workshops to our community on a range of topics. Workshops are anywhere from 2 hours to full weekends.

  • GriefShare Support Groups: While it may not ease the pain, understanding that grief is normal can help us cope a little better when we lose a special person or go through a significant change. These groups bring us together to lean on each other for 14 weeks. Email for more info.

  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course: In this course, you’ll learn how to slow down your life and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Discover how to: Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ; How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today; Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality; Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult. Courses begin through the year. Email for more details.

Make a donation.

We don’t want to turn anyone away for counseling services due to finances. We need partners like you to help us raise funds so we can help supplement those sessions, so everyone has access to the same quality of mental health care! Join us in our vision to bring excellent mental health care to all people, regardless of income.


Smyrna, Ga

Cumberland Counseling
Small Brick House
3059 South Cobb Drive
Smyrna, GA 30080

(404) 884-8247

Lawrenceville, Ga

Located inside of:
GateCity Church Offices
1446 Calvin Davis Circle
Lawrenceville, GA 30043


Buckhead, GA

Located inside of:
Northside Church
2799 Northside Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30305


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